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Travel Tips for Seniors Visiting Africa

Now that you have the time and money to take that trip to Africa you’ve always dreamed of you should make the most of it. If you’re older travelers, this may require some extra planning to keep you safe and comfortable during your African adventure. You’ll find that most destinations have plenty of assistance available to help their more mature visitors, but there are still some things you should consider before heading overseas. Here are a few suggestions that will help you plan a successful visit to Africa, one of the most beautiful and exotic continents on earth.

Start at Home with a Visit to the Doctor

Before you leave the country have a complete checkup to make sure there are no hidden health problems creeping up. You’ll need to make sure your prescriptions are up to date and that you’ll have plenty of your regular medicines to take with you. Of course, you must deal with getting necessary vaccinations as well. Visit a travel clinic or the Destination Pages at the Center for Disease Control’s website to find out what inoculations you may require before entering the country you’re planning to visit.

Plan Your Trip Around Your Abilities

Unfortunately, many people do face some physical limitations as they grow older. Don’t let that stop you, though. Just plan accordingly. For instance, if you have heart problems, pass up physically demanding activities and opt for safaris in Land Rovers. Enjoy the many arts and crafts displays or indulge in a one-day class and learn how to cook the local cuisine. Many travel agencies will be happy to help you plan a sensational trip that won’t wear you down or present too great a challenge to your physical limitations but still allows you to experience all the things you want to do during your visit. Take it at your own pace so you can truly savor your African adventure.

Pack Wisely and Lightly

The African sun is stunningly hot so choose lightweight, earth toned, wash and wear clothing and comfortable shoes. Be sure to include sunscreen and insect repellent and pack a small traveler’s first aid kit. Your kit should contain antidiarrheal medicine, headache remedies, and antibacterial ointment and bandages in case you get a cut or scratch. Bring antibacterial hand sanitizer as well so you can avoid getting local water on your hands. When you’re in Africa only drink bottled water to help you avoid traveler’s diarrhea.

Pack your regular medications in your carryon bag just in case your suitcase gets lost.

The retirement years are the perfect time to travel and experience new adventures. Plan ahead so you can enjoy your trip and bring home a multitude of magical memories.

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